Why Choose Us?

Chez Media

We will keep your projects on-time, on-task, and on-budget; so, you can worry about the aspects of your business in which you are an expert. You can rest easy in the knowledge that you have your business needs met.

Meet Our Team

Eugene Dorss

CEO,Videographer,Editor & Photographer

"A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet."

Jesus Lopez

Photographer & Videographer

"A focus on the details keeps us in the present, it stops us from fretting on the future or regretting the past."

Nathan George


"A camera is a save button for the mind's eye."

Nikita Kudryavtsev

Web Developer

"In this digital age, maintaining a presence online is key. Our team is highly skilled at creating the best front-facing websites to represent your business."

About Us

Technology is an undeniably integral part of nearly all modern world, but it can often be quite confusing and more headache than many induviduals or business owners feel it is worth. Between setting up and maintaining systems, paying for all of it, and keeping a dedicated Marketing crew or budgeting outsourcing costs, technology and social media management can leave your head spinning and fall by the wayside.

In today’s globalized world, your competition is often-times not just local, but companies all over the world vying for your market. With so many other runners in the race, you can’t afford to be lacking in any facet of your operations.

So what is the happy compromise between the hassle and cost? The answer is our Team! Media help under one roof. Consulting, Videography, Photography, Webdesign. Need event coverage? We are there. Getting engaged? We third wheel! Need catering? I know a guy, a new house to be build? Yep, have a house guy too. See what we have done for our clients and give us a call.